Dry Run Project: Exploring NotebookLM

AI tools like NotebookLM can be a game-changer for learning and completing projects like our company analysis. Think of it as your research superpower! NotebookLM can help you:

  • Answer tough questions: It searches across different sources like YouTube interviews, earnings calls, and even those dense regulatory filings (like DEF 14-A) to find what you need.
  • Make learning easier: It summarizes complex documents like 10-K reports in a way that’s actually understandable.

This assignment helps you get comfortable with NotebookLM before diving into the main project. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Create a Notebook: Add relevant sections from the syllabus as sources, using a variety of formats:
    • Links
    • Empty notes (start from scratch)
    • Google Docs
    • Uploaded PDFs
  2. Question Time: Imagine you’re a student learning about this course for the first time. What questions would you ask? Use the chat interface to get answers.
  3. Save & Organize: Save helpful responses as notes and organize them into categories that make sense.
  4. Summary Power: Explore different summary formats:
    • Study guide
    • Audio overview
    • FAQ
  5. Experiment! See how you can change the structure and content of the summaries.

Important Details:

  • Summary Length: Each summary should be about 2-3 pages long.
  • Deadline: January 23rd, 5:00 PM
  • Submission: Upload your chosen summaries to Canvas along with a read-only link to your Notebook.
  • Content: Summaries should include key elements of the course, such as:
    • Key topics
    • Graded assignments and deadlines
    • Course materials
    • Contact information
    • Meeting location
    • And any other important course details

Rubric for NotebookLM Dry Run Assignment (100 points)

Criteria Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement
Notebook Creation & Source Integration Notebook is well-organized with clear headings and sections. Sources are diverse (links, notes, Docs, PDFs) and integrated seamlessly. Notebook has a basic structure. Sources are included but may lack variety or integration. Notebook organization is unclear. Limited variety of sources. Notebook is missing key elements or sources are not properly integrated.
Question Generation & Exploration Questions are thoughtful, relevant to the course, and demonstrate curiosity. Answers are explored thoroughly through the chat interface. Questions are relevant but may lack depth or exploration. Questions are basic or limited in scope. Minimal use of the chat interface. Questions are irrelevant or demonstrate little effort. Chat interface is not effectively used.
Note Organization & Categorization Notes are comprehensive, clearly labeled, and organized into logical categories. Notes capture key information and are organized with some attempt at categorization. Notes are incomplete or disorganized. Categorization is unclear or absent. Notes are minimal or irrelevant. No attempt at organization.
Summary Exploration & Manipulation Multiple summary formats (study guide, audio, FAQ) are explored. Clear evidence of experimentation with structure and content manipulation. At least two summary formats are explored. Some attempts to manipulate structure and content are evident. Limited exploration of summary formats. Minimal attempts to manipulate structure and content. Only one summary format is used. No evidence of experimentation with structure or content.
Overall Impression Assignment demonstrates a strong understanding of NotebookLM’s capabilities and thoughtful engagement with the tool. Assignment shows good effort and understanding of basic features. Assignment meets basic requirements but lacks depth or creativity. Assignment is incomplete or shows minimal effort.

Total Points: 100